How the use of wallpaper can give a twist to an interior design.
Wallpapers can be quite controversial. While in the past they could be kind of old-fashion decoration, in recent days they have been accredited for all environments and uses, as an unfailing tip to give character to a space. When a paper is selected with good taste it can be the key to making an interior project memorable – as we have been lucky enough to put into practice in many of our interior design tasks.
The advantage of wallpaper compared to wall paint is that it lasts much longer, and also protects the plastered surface from scratches, bumps and chipping; the wallpapers which are currently on the market are often highly performing also in terms of sound absorption and anti-humidity barrier, and they can also be used in humid environments.

wallpapers from @coleandsonwhimsical collection – here seen on the partitions of hotel room bathrooms.

for this residential interior project, the clients chose the “Les Jardin des dèlices” model by E. Salmistraro for Londonart. @londonartwallpaper
Below are other examples of strong elements, characterized by multicolor themes and highly effective:

When it comes to the hotel industry, then, wallpaper is an infallible ally when a perfectly hygienic and washable surface is needed, due to the high and continuous use of the spaces (all papers with vinyl support are). The following images are an example of this, where you can see a series of applications in our interior projects in Florence and Tuscany in which we have used many, often of iconic brands and iconography, or designed by us, to give a personal touch and unrepeatable, as in this example where the paper was used as the back headboard of a custom design bedroom:
In the lobby of this hotel in Siena, an early-century villa in an eclectic/liberty style for example, the Nuvole wallpaper from the Fornasetti series by @coleandson has become the ideal complement and counterpoint to the polychrome marble floors and an imposing bookcase of the late nineteenth century.

ALFIERI 9 HOTEL / Florence, custom-designed wallpaper
Finally, here are some subjects we designed for the Italian wallpaper company Wallpepper, included in the 2023 catalogue: neoclassical references with “whimsical” echoes for suggestive backdrops cloaked in levity.